Priest Switches Teams
Father Alberto Cutie, an internationally known Catholic priest who admitted having an affair with a Florida woman, is joining the Episcopal Church... where they're just happy he's not gay.
Climate Killers
A new report by an environmental group claims that global warming is killing 300,000 people each year... comforting news for the 600,000 people who froze to death last winter.
Climate Killers II
A new report by an environmental group claims that global warming is killing 300,000 people each year... most of them were crazed environmentalists who scared themselves to death.
More Red Ink
Because of all the stimulus packages and bailouts, U.S. taxpayers are now on the hook for an extra $55,000 in federal debt per household. The government hopes to pay us back by making the average price of a new Chrysler $55,000.
Ethics Debate
The Illinois General Assembly is currently debating ethics rules. Half the legislators are against ethics and the other half are against rules.
Storm Season
Hurricane season is about to begin, setting several coastal communities on edge. Meanwhile, the hurricanes are worried about a possible government takeover.