Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Rare Turtles
Chinese officials are working around the clock to protect the two last known Yangtze soft-shell turtles in the world. Their small pool has been encased with bulletproof glass, a surveillance camera monitors their movements, and no Chinese-made toys are allowed within 500 yards of them at any time.

Working Better
A new economic report says Americans have improved their workplace productivity by a hefty 6.3%. That's because most of us are staying late at work until we can save enough to afford the drive home.

Working Better II
A new economic report says Americans have improved their workplace productivity by a hefty 6.3%. This means we're working harder for the same money, which is kind of like dating your wife.

Gates in Iraq
Defense Secretary Robert Gates is making an unannounced trip to Iraq today to assess the downturn in violence, review troop strength, and pick up all of his "secret Santa" presents.

Wall St. Wish List
Investors are on edge as some hope Ben Bernanke and the Fed cut interest rates by a quarter-point, others want a half-point rate cut, but most just want someone to help them get the NFL Network.

Coaching Salaries
The average annual salary for a major college football head coach is now $1 million... dwarfing the salaries for BCS selection officials, which is apparently less than minimum wage.


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