Monday, July 13, 2009

CIA Program Killed
The CIA is scrapping a program designed to find and kill al Qaeda terrorists. The White House wants the agency to focus more time and energy finding finding something even more elusive in America today -- jobs.

Obama the Sportscaster
President Obama will join the TV broadcasters for an inning or two at Tuesday night's All-Star Game. Of course the game is being broadcast by FOX, so the president is refusing to speak to any commentators without getting a helmet and a cup first.

Small Business Bailout
The White House is considering allowing TARP funds to be used to aid small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. In a related story, AIG has just laid off all but 99 of its employees.

Parking Lot Rage
New York State Police say a man wild with anger mowed down 14 people with his car in a parking lot at a Chuck E. Cheese. But investigators aren't sure if the man did more or less damage than the kids at the birthday party inside the Chuck E. Cheese.

India's Tainted Alcohol
A huge amount of tainted alcohol in India has left several children without fathers. In America, good alcohol regularly leaves millions of children with divorced fathers.


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