Thursday, November 13, 2008

Saudi Goals
Saudi Arabia is sponsoring a global conference on "religious understanding." If all goes well, the Saudis will now agree to provide local anesthetic whenever they behead non-Muslims.

Parsons to Citi?
Citigroup is considering hiring former TimeWarner CEO Richard Parsons as its new Chairman of the Board. If Parsons gets the job, TimeWarner may finally have found someone dumb enough to take AOL of its hands.

Foreclosure Spike
85,000 more homes went into foreclosure in October. The banks intend to use the homes to house all their newly laid off employees.

Hendrix Drummer Dead
The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s drummer Mitch Mitchell was found dead in a downtown Portland hotel yesterday. The cause of death is unknown, but doctors say the fact that a 60's rock band drummer lived this long is a medical miracle.


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