Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Earth Hour"
In order to bring attention to the problem of wasted energy, hundreds of cities from Rome to Chicago turned out their lights last night for one full hour. The stunt didn't actually do very much for the environment, but it was great for those cities' muggers, burglars and rapists.

New Fed Powers
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is set to propose sweeping new powers for the Federal Reserve bank, including the right to examine the financial status of any institution that could affect the markets. Sounds like a good plan, but just how will the Fed get a hold of the books from the Emperor's Club?

Open Skies Begins
The new "open skies" agreement between the U.S. and Britain goes into effect today, giving passengers on both sides of the Atlantic more options when it comes to nonstop flights. Now they can choose whether to be hopelessly delayed at JFK, LaGuardia, Heathrow, Gatwick, Newark...

New Arrivals in D.C.
Reports out of Washington say the cherry blossoms are already in bloom, which is weird because I thought the new Congressional interns didn't show up until the end of May.

Road Blocks Removed
Under pressure from the U.S., Israel is promising to remove 50 roadblocks from the West Bank. But Palestinian leaders won't be satisfied until the Israelis give the terrorists an E-Z Pass lane.

Islam is #1
The Vatican newspaper says Islam has now surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world's largest religion. But just to be sure, the world's Muslims are planning to kill a few more Catholics tgab usual this week.


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