Friday, October 15, 2004

Cheneys Mad?
Dick Cheney says he's angry that John Kerry brought up his daughter's homosexuality during the final debate. Cheney says he's the only one who can mention his daughter to score cheap political points, and if Kerry wants to do that kind of thing he can go get his own gay daughter!

Sinclair Responds
Sinclair Broadcasting now says it won't offer equal time to John Kerry after it airs a 90-minute anti-Kerry film on all 62 of its TV stations nationwide. The company says that's because it already broadcast 4 1/2 hours of programming that made President Bush look terrible -- the presidential debates.

Prince Harry a Cheater?
A prep school teacher says she has evidence that Prince Harry of England cheated on an exam when he was at school. The news comes as a shock, especially since Harry worked so hard to become a prince in the first place.

Asexual Study
A new study says that about only one percent of adults have no interest in sex, surprising most researchers who thought the number was much higher. The results prove that it's best not to ask women whether they're interested in sex when it's likely they've just been watching one of the presidential debates.

College Preparedness
A new report shows that 78% of American high school seniors aren't ready for college. Of course that's not surprising since most 18-year olds don't have $120,000 lying around.

Tiger's Yacht Boarded
The Coast Guard stopped and boarded Tiger Woods' yacht during his honeymoon cruise because it illegally drifted into Puerto Rican waters. But Woods immediately solved the problem by buying Puerto Rico.


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