Bush Book
The attention on Bill Clinton's new book is convincing President Bush to write about all his political experiences and childhood memories. But publishing agents aren't sure if Americans will want to pay $30 for a book that's only five pages long.
President Bush is still ahead in the fundraising wars, taking in more than $200 million while Kerry has less than $150 million. But Kerry may have momentum on his side thanks to fund-raising dinners, Internet contributions, and the fact that he's marrying every rich woman in Utah.
Space Launch
In response to yesterday successful launch of SpaceShipOne, NASA might offer as much as $30 million in prizes to encourage other private companies to come up with their own spaceships... kind of like the $80 billion dollars the Bush Administration gave Halliburton to come up with a war in Iraq.
Dinosaurs for Sale
Some extremely valuable fossils will be auctioned off tonight at a ritzy Park Avenue event. This is truly a rare moment, because usually at high-priced New York auctions, the fossils are the ones doing the bidding.
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