"The Simple Life"
Fox's new reality show "The Simple Life," which features Paris Hilton living and doing chores on an Arkansas farm, debuts tonight on FOX. The show will compete with another series about fabulously wealthy people making idiots of themselves in rural and rustic America, it's called "The Iowa Caucuses."
Alien Registration
Federal immigration officials are suspending a program that required young males from countries with suspected links to terrorism to register annually while in the United States. The program is being scrapped not because of questions about civil liberties, but because New York's Taxi and Limousine Commission is already doing a better job of keeping tabs on all those guys anyway.
President Bush hosts NASCAR drivers at the White House today. The President has a lot in common with the group, he's also very popular in the South, likes to waste fuel, and can't do anything without corporate sponsors.
Strange Payment
A Cambodian man, who had forgotten his wallet, paid for gas for his motorcycle with his young nephew. The payment was accepted because in Cambodia, all gas stations are owned by the Catholic Church.
Lingerie Bowl
Chrysler is sponsoring a "Lingerie Bowl" during halftime of the Super Bowl featuring models dressed in lingerie playing a seven-on-seven tackle football game. The teams will be coached by former New York Giant great Lawrence Taylor, meaning it'll be the first time a coach will be penalized for illegal use of the hands.
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