Friday, November 21, 2003

Pentagon Breakthrough
The top military brass at the Pentagon is celebrating today. While they haven't yet figured out how to get U.S. troops out of Iraq, they have come up with the way to get the U.S. news media out of Iraq - indict Michael Jackson.

Sacramento Breakthrough
Members of the new Schwarzenegger administration are celebrating today as they have finally figured out the way to increase revenue and encourage thousands of people to come back to California at the same time - indict Michael Jackson.

Music Industry Breakthrough
Top record company executives are celebrating this morning as they have finally figured out the way to make sure more music comes on the market that teens won't try to download illegally - DON'T indict Michael Jackson.

Rivalry Saturday
College football's oldest and most bitter rivalry games will be played tomorrow. Each game has a special nickname:

-Harvard-Yale: THE GAME

-Ohio State-Michigan: The On-Parole Bowl

-Cal-Stanford: The Liberal Bowl

-Alabama-Auburn: The Outhouse Bowl

-Princeton-Dartmouth: Meeting of the Aryan Nations


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