Monday, June 30, 2008

Food Shipment
A U.S. ship carrying thousands of tons of food aid has arrived in North Korea... which should be just enough to feed the men working on rebuilding the country's nuclear weapons program.

D.C. Bike Rental
Washington, D.C. has become the first U.S. city to rent bikes to the public. Couple that with the recent removal of the D.C. handgun ban, and experts predict a 750% increase in "bike-by shootings" by 2009.

Actors Strike?
Kelly Preston and Josie Bisset are speaking out as a possible actors strike looms over Hollywood. Preston and Bisset were chosen as spokespeople since their careers have already been on strike for the last 15 years.

Wal-Mart Change
Wal-Mart is planning to change its logo; opting for what it calls a more "authentic design." Of course to be most authentic, the logo will have to be in Chinese.

Minnesota Wildlife
Bison are once again roaming the plains of Minnesota. With these gas prices, they can't afford to drive.


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