Sunday, April 02, 2006

Top 10 Things Overheard in PORN 101

10) "Hey, isn't that the dean's wife?"

9) "This class is helping me decide my future... I'm gonna be a plastic surgeon."

8) "I'd know Shmuel the Mohel's work anywhere!"

7) "That woman's bra should get the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor."

6) "Great, I finally find a course where the professor let's us eat in class... and it's THIS."

5) "Um professor, the guys at the frat house need this movie back by tomorrow."

4) "Hey, how come there are 500 people at every session of this class when only 13 students are actually registered?"

3) "This class is actually less obscene than the Middle Eastern Studies course I took last semester."

2) "But how can we watch 'Lusty Housewives VII' without seeing 'Lusty Housewives VI first?"

1) "$40,000-a-year, and they can't even show us movies with decent lighting."


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