Monday, March 27, 2006

Immigration Bill
A Senate committee has voted in favor of new relaxed immigration laws. The new rules would allow more visas for nurses, agriculture workers, and foreign lobbyists with cash.

Immigration Bill II
The bill also shelters humanitarian organizations from prosecution if they provide non-emergency assistance to illegal residents... like the Marriott Hotel chain which is graciously offering them jobs for $1 an hour.

Immigration Bill III
The most controversial part of the new bill would permit illegal aliens to apply for citizenship without first having to return home. But they would still have to pay a fine, learn English, and be prepared to defend themselves against Lou Dobbs.

Moussaoui in the Dark?
Al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he knew about plans to crash planes into the World Trade Center, but did not have the exact details. Moussaoui's story is a grim reminder that terrorists should call their handlers before they head to the airport to make sure all their flight information is up to date.

Moussaoui Mission
Moussaoui says his mission was to destroy the White House... but he backed off when he realized President Bush is doing that all by himself.

Moussaoui Mission II
al Qaeda's plan to storm the White House failed because Zacarias Moussaoui turned out to be inept... sounds a lot like the Kerry campaign.

Student Protest
Thousands of California students walked out of class Monday, reportedly to support immigrant rights. Actually, they were rushing to get the good summer jobs at McDonald's before the illegals got them.

Rahman to be Freed
The good news is an Afghan court has decided to free Christian convert Abdel Rahman. The bad news is he's moving to America to fight evolution classes in the public schools.


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