Friday, September 03, 2004

Frances is Coming
After watching all the news reports, millions of Floridians are boarding up their homes and evacuating their neighborhoods. But it's not clear whether they're trying to protect themselves from the hurricane or Zell Miller.

College Campaign
Both the Kerry and Bush campaigns are working hard to craft a winning message for college-age voters. But experts say it's very easy: at college rallies, take all the promises you make to the elderly about getting them cheaper prescription drugs, and just erase the word "prescription."

RNC 2004

Bush Optimism
In his acceptance speech last night, President Bush bragged about how homes are now more affordable than ever before. The bad news is that he was only talking about homes in Florida.

Bush Promises
President Bush promised Americans more freedom, and more control over their own lives... except if you're a gay person who wants to get married or a scientist who wants to do stem cell research.

Balloon Release
The most impressive moment of the Republican convention came when thousands of balloons were released into the crowd. It was the first time the Bush team had bought so many inflated items not made by Halliburton.

Kerry Responds
After President Bush finished his acceptance speech, John Kerry fired back at a rally in Ohio. The midnight attacks on the president prompted Ted Koppel to say: "Hey, that's my job!"


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