Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is it or Isn't It?
Treasury Secretary Geithner is now saying hinted maybe August 2nd isn't the day Uncle Sam runs out of money after all... mostly because that already happened about 35 years ago.

Obama Poll
A new Marist Poll puts President Obama at an all-time low for his handling of the economy. But he remains at an all time high for his handling of a 9 iron.

Google is launching a competitor to Facebook that will emphasoze privacy. Because if you use the Google site, you'll definitely be very alone.

DC Casino
The city of Washington D.C. wants to launch an online gambling site... but it will be tough to compete with the all-purpose brick and mortar casino and brothel on Capitol Hill.

Dodger Dilemma
Major League Baseball is still trying to take the L.A. Dodgers away from owner Frank McCourt. And if MLB doesn't get it, three goons from Flatbush are looking to take the team back to Brooklyn.

June 29th

1786: Alexander Macdonell and over five hundred Roman Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario. Unfortunately, they forgot to bring any women.

1926: Arthur Meighen returns to office as Prime Minister of Canada… the office had been vacant since he left in 1921, but nobody noticed.

1928: The Outerbridge Crossing and Goethals Bridge in Staten Island, New York are both opened… finally relieving the population’s overwhelming desire to get off of Staten Island.


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