Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush has won, so let's give him our prayers and hopes for a better 4 years to come.

But that also means 4 more years of stuff like this:

Bush Wins
President Bush's re-election victory has members of his administration thinking about what they can achieve in the next four years. Colin Powell hopes to re-open diplomatic channels with European countries, John Ashcroft is researching new ways to defeat domestic terrorism, and Vice President Cheney is looking up new curse words to use on Democratic Senators.

Bush Wins II
ANNOUNCER: "Hey President Bush! You plunged the economy into a tailspin, put America into an endless war in Iraq, bitterly divided the country on religious grounds, and you still won re-election. What are you going do next?"

BUSH: "I'm gonna blow up Disney World!"

Obama Wins
ANNOUNCER: "Hey, Barack Obama! You've just won your senate race by a landslide and are a new rising star for the Democrats! How do you feel?

OBAMA: "Lonely."

No Attacks
Despite some fears, there were no terrorist attacks at any voting centers. Experts say the terrorists may have scouted out some polling places, but were probably scared off by all the lawyers.

Mixed News
Most Southerners are rejoicing this morning thanks to President Bush's victory, but there is also sobering news that's shaking their society to its very foundations; Dolly Parton is having breast reduction surgery.

Dolly Effect?
News that Dolly Parton is having breast reduction surgery is leading some to believe that she could be starting a major trend. But experts say President Bush's re-election victory proves big boobs will always be popular in this country.

No Florida Problems
The clear margin of victory and the lack of voting problems in Florida was good news for most of the nation, except for thousands of elderly couples in Ft. Lauderdale who can forget getting an extra phone call from their grandchildren this week.


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