Monday, October 12, 2009

Miracle Woman
Doctors say a 27-year-old woman born with literally half a brain is living a full life. Her role model is Nancy Pelosi.

Key Health Care Vote
The Democrats' health care reform bill has its most crucial test today when a Senate committee votes on whether the Senators will have to actually read the bill before voting on it.

Swine Flu Churches
Churches across the country are limiting physical contact to help curb the spread of swine flu. In a related story, preacher molestation cases are down 78% this week.

A Dylan Christmas?
Bob Dylan has released a Christmas album. The CD features songs about down and out elves and Mrs. Claus' drinking problem.

B of A Deal
Bank of America has reached an agreement with the SEC to hand over documents that detail the legal advice it received during its purchase of Merrill Lynch. Those documents consist of two pieces of paperm one that said: "Lie!" and the other that said "Run Away!"

October 13th

54: Nero ascends to the Roman throne> Fire insurance premiums go through the roof.

1843: In New York City, Henry Jones and 11 others found B'nai B'rith... then they invest the whole treasury with Bernie Madoff's great-great grandfather.

1885: The Georgia Institute of Technology is founded in Atlanta, Georgia with the express purpose of "learning how Mr. Edison got those fireflies into them lightbulbs."

1943: The new government of Italy sides with the Allies and declares war on Germany. The nation's new motto is: "Better Late than Never!"


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