Monday, April 26, 2004

Billy Joel Crash
Singer Billy Joel lost control of his car and slammed it into a house on Long Island this weekend. But after searching Joel, police found no evidence of drugs, alcohol, or any remaining talent.

Red Sox Win
The Boston Red Sox sweep of the New York Yankees this weekend is sending shock waves across the Major Leagues. The consensus is that it's finally time for Yankees owner George Steinbrenner to spend some money on his team.

Top Yankee Excuses

-Mailman mixed up their steroid shipments with the Mets again

-Fun to see Red Sox fans get their hopes up again

-New umpires haven't received the annual "let the Yankees win" memo yet

-Looking for jury sympathy in upcoming paternity suits

-Jeter and A-Rod jealous and distracted by the fact that Red Sox players can legally marry in Massachusetts


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